I found this e-mail that I wrote just after Christmas 2007:
It was chilly here this morning. I've been battling the flu for the past couple of days .I woke up today feeling better than I have in days….but I'm still not 100%... Too sick to get up and prance around but to well to stay home. I may end up giving up the good fight and go home to lay in my death-bed and moan. What makes it doubly bad is that Kari has the flu too and we lay there moaning together….in stereo….pathetically :-( When you're sick and your sweetheart is well she can pamper you and get you chicken soup…but when she is sick beside you, neither one has enough "wellness" to even change the channel on the TV and you lay there watching the "Threes Company" Marathon for two hours.
We had four kids at home for the holidays...I just want to know one thing...with four adult children at home for a week...why is it ***I'm*** the only one that can manage to empty a trashcan???? Even when it's overflowing with the soda cans I bought for them....AND...Why is it that everyone, who visits my house over the holidays, uses Kari's Mustang when they're home but when I get into it on Monday morning to come to work the "LOW FUEL" light is FLASHING at me? I had to drive the Mustang because someone had borrowed my truck keys and didn't return them to me. Am I the only one who can figure out how to put gas in my parent's car? :-)
So here's the real reason why I'm writing. Every morning I come to work and, being the first to arrive on the west side of the building, I am the one to turn the lights on. For some strange reason the neon light immediately over the entrance to my cube (your old one) refuses to light…. Oh, wait… I just figured out how to make that light go on….never mind :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Son Tim in North Carolina just called. Remember he was on that month long round the world tour? While in India he spent a week playing tourist and visiting the Taj Mahalh and New Deli. He just called and told me that he has Giardiasis which is an infection of the intestine that is caused by the parasite, "Giardia Intestinalis." Before he went I told him (to the point of making him angry) DON'T DRINK THE WATER OR UNCOOKED FOOD!!!! When he called to tell me of his plight I asked him, "Did you drink only bottled water?" and he said, "Most of the time…"Oh well…now he's suffering…and the cure is almost worse than the disease.
Correction: I didn't have Giardia... I only THOUGHT I had giardia. And I only drank bottled water while I was there. I didn't eat uncooked food, either. I think I just ate too much butter chicken.