Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Father's Job

One of the most important jobs a father can do for his children is to snap pictures of them while they are in the most ridiculous and super embarrassing poses from their baby-hood.

Such is the example with this picture:

Frank was about 18 months old and LOVED to crawl into the laundry hamper and stick things in his mouth. I would NEVER humiliate Frank with the picture of him with my BVD's as his headgear.

I DARE Frank to post embarrassing pictures of me on his blog. ***I*** have more brains than to allow myself to be photographed in such a way that it can be used as blackmail.  THAT will happen ONLY when I am old, senile and living in a 3rd-rate Mexican nursing home in Tijuana.


  1. My mom had a hamper just like that only it was ivory. And shouldn't it be the *dog* in the hamper going after the dirty socks and undies?

  2. Frankie...Dog...Same diff
