I replied: "The Norwegian "mal-contents" moved to Minnesota in the 1870-1920 period. The Nazi's killed off most of the "thinkers" (teachers, doctors etc). After WWII Norway was a decimated country. When King HÃ¥kon VII and his son Crown Prince Olav came back from exile in England, they got what was left of the parliament together and said, "since we're rebuilding our country let's do it right."
Norway is very Socialist in thoughts and behavior. They have "womb to tomb" care of its people.... and a 53% income tax to go with it.
All the warriors got tired of the "peacefulness" and left a long time ago.
The biggest surprise I had, when I arrived in Norway to meet my Cyber-Sweetie, was that the place was certainly NOT what I had expected. There were no women running around in those Wagner type leather/brass bras and cow-horned helmets. I asked Kari if Norwegian women wore those things every day or just for special occations. I also discovered that hardly any of the women in Norway are blonde and they don't run around in their national dress saying things like "Uff Da" and "Yah, sure, you-betcha" and very few of the people are named Sven or Olga. Oslo (the Norwegian capital) has a population of half a million and is not some wide spot in the dirt road, polar bears and reindeer do NOT run freely up and down the streets (well, actually, they do up north but the bears get shot and the reindeer get put back into the Sami herds. I also learned that the people of Norway do not run around half-naked and exercise free-love while they sit in saunas (that's in Finnland). And lastly, I was totally amazed to learn that the national bird of Norway IS NOT a penguin.
Well, since penguins don't live in the north, you'd be correct.