Thursday, October 30, 2008

Prop 8 = Parental Rights

Could someone please explain to me what a state constitional ammendment, barring same sex marriage, has anything to do with Parental Rights?

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't mind taking marriage away from everyone. Have civil unions for everyone, gay or straight, and if you want to get married, go to a church and let that church decide if they want to marry you. I don't WANT to get married, if getting married means that you've committed something to/in front of/for God. But if I want to make a social and legal commitment to someone, so that if, perish the thought, my partner were to divorce me or die, I'd be able to keep custody of the children if, say, his parents didn't like me and fought me for it. Seriously terrible syntax there, sorry. So take marriage out of the government, take government out of marriage. Does that make any sense?
