Thursday, October 30, 2008
Prop 8 = Parental Rights
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My "Son" Tim
Oh where have I failed. :-( First, Tim told me that he had registered as a Democrat, I cried and sobbed for three hours.
Then when he told me he wanted to go to an "Eastern" school for an MBA instead of a Masters of Science Degree from UCLA, I curled into the fetal position and rejected the outside world for two days.
One day he called me to inform me that he had "early voted" for Baraak Obama. I took to my bed and hid under the covers. Poor sweet Kari had to cox me out, after several days, with a freshly cooked enchilada and the promise that she would intercept all phone calls from son Tim for the next two weeks. I sat on the edge of the bed, eating my first "meal" in several days and every time the phone rang I relapsed and Kari had to help me back to the edge of the bed.
The final nail, pounded deep into my coffin, has been Tim's announcement that he owns more pairs of shoes than both my darling wife Kari and Imelda Marcos. If Tim ever decides to move, his shoes will fill an extra large U-Haul with storage space over the cab.
I have decided that Tim is really a Demo-Metro.
Then when he told me he wanted to go to an "Eastern" school for an MBA instead of a Masters of Science Degree from UCLA, I curled into the fetal position and rejected the outside world for two days.
One day he called me to inform me that he had "early voted" for Baraak Obama. I took to my bed and hid under the covers. Poor sweet Kari had to cox me out, after several days, with a freshly cooked enchilada and the promise that she would intercept all phone calls from son Tim for the next two weeks. I sat on the edge of the bed, eating my first "meal" in several days and every time the phone rang I relapsed and Kari had to help me back to the edge of the bed.
The final nail, pounded deep into my coffin, has been Tim's announcement that he owns more pairs of shoes than both my darling wife Kari and Imelda Marcos. If Tim ever decides to move, his shoes will fill an extra large U-Haul with storage space over the cab.
I have decided that Tim is really a Demo-Metro.
Shoe Collection
Shoe collection... Interesting concept.
I own three pairs of shoes and a pair of gardening sandals.
1) every day black tennis shoes.
2) black leather shoes for church etc.
3) my two tone shoes for my ZootSuit.
I don't want to imply that Kari has a bunch of shoes but the number of her shoes was a major design consideration when we did our bedroom remodel.
I keep waiting for Imelda Marcos to call Kari for shoe and bra storage advice.
What is it about chicks and shoes??????
I own three pairs of shoes and a pair of gardening sandals.
1) every day black tennis shoes.
2) black leather shoes for church etc.
3) my two tone shoes for my ZootSuit.
I don't want to imply that Kari has a bunch of shoes but the number of her shoes was a major design consideration when we did our bedroom remodel.
I keep waiting for Imelda Marcos to call Kari for shoe and bra storage advice.
What is it about chicks and shoes??????
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hint For 3rd Periodic “ID This Picture and Win A Burger” Contest
Think Mexican....
BTW... Frank and Jeni are no longer eligible for the prize.
BTW... Frank and Jeni are no longer eligible for the prize.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Identify the correct caption of this picture and I will buy you a three course meal at the Ridgecrest Jack in the Box. The menu will start with a wonderful green salad, followed by an Ultimate Cheeseburger and a desert of a Vanilla Ice Cream Shake - 24oz cup. The prize must be redeemed by December 31, 2008 at 11:59PM PST.
This 3rd Periodic “ID This Picture and Win a Burger” is specifically opened to anyone who is of Norwegian heritage or is related to (by blood or marriage) a Norwegian. There is only one correct caption for this picture. The correct caption is tattooed on my left buttock cheek and you are welcome to “sneak a peek,” (if you dare). Contest void in Vermont.
Here’s the picture:
This 3rd Periodic “ID This Picture and Win a Burger” is specifically opened to anyone who is of Norwegian heritage or is related to (by blood or marriage) a Norwegian. There is only one correct caption for this picture. The correct caption is tattooed on my left buttock cheek and you are welcome to “sneak a peek,” (if you dare). Contest void in Vermont.
Here’s the picture:
Bob Votes For POTUS (President of the United States)
My opinions and my opinions alone. (*** indicates who I voted for)
Richard M. Nixon (Spiro T. Agnew) R ***
Hubert H. Humphrey (Edmund S. Muskie) D
George C. Wallace (Curtis F. LeMay) AI
{I couldn’t vote because I was too young but I actively campaigned for Nixon. He promised us that he was going to “End the War in Viet Nam.” I hung signs, went to rallies, handed out bumper-stickers & buttons and headed up a Republican/Democrat Mock Election campaign at school. During the “campaign rally” I met this cute girl named Connie Charnock.....Her very first words to me were, “My family is very active in the Young Republicans” first thought was “WOW!!! A cute girl TALKED to me.” I was 15 and not quite a Lady’s Man yet. I imagine that Mr. Wallace is doing flip-flops in his grave about the prospect of Mr. Obama being in the White House. I don’t remember why I didn’t like Humphrey...Maybe because he was LBJ’s VP?... and DON’T get me started on Lyndon Baines Johnson!!!!}
Richard M. Nixon (Spiro T. Agnew) R ***
George McGovern (Sargent Shriver) D
John G. Schmitz (Thomas J. Anderson) A
{This was the 1st election I voted in. I registered as a Republican because I was SICK of my mother’s idolizing, FDR, IKE, Kennedy and LBJ. Besides, Nixon kept telling us that he was going to end the War and that we should not trust McGovern because he was a “Peace-nik”}
Jimmy Carter (Walter F. Mondale) D
Gerald R. Ford (Robert J. Dole) R ***
Eugene J. McCarthy (None) I
{I voted for Ford but I can’t remember why. I didn’t think Carter was qualified and was under-experienced to be president after only being governor of Georgia.}
Ronald Reagan (George Bush) R ***
Jimmy Carter (Walter F. Mondale) D
{I didn’t particularly like Reagan (he had been governor of California when I was a kid) but I was sick and tired of Carter. While he was a good and decent man, Carter screwed up everything his presidency touched. So voting for Reagan was the lesser of two evils.)
Ronald Reagan (George Bush) R ***
Walter F. Mondale (Geraldine A. Ferraro) D
{Second time through I gladly voted for Reagan. I was working for Peacekeeper Missile at the time and Mondale said he was going to shut down most major military programs.}
George H. Bush (J. Danforth Quayle) R ***
Michael S. Dukakis (Lloyd Bentsen) D
{Bush was a little too wimpy for me. But I, like a lot of other people, felt that Bush was the closest thing to Reagan we were going to get. Besides...Dukakis looked like a dork riding around in a tank with a helmet on. I REALLY admired Barbara Bush... I think she’s got spice.}
William J. Clinton (Albert A. Gore, J.) D
George H. Bush (J. Danforth Quayle) R ***
H. Ross Perot (James B. Stockdale) I
{I have disliked Clinton from the very beginning. Couple of reasons... Anyone nicknamed “Slick Willie” has got to have a good reason why he got the name in the first place. He proved me right ...over and over and over. I disliked Hillary “RODEM” Clinton as much as I disliked her husband. In March of 1992 she said, “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.” My question was.... If you have kids, shouldn’t you stay home with your kids and bake them cookies?” To me she cheapened stay-at-home-moms. Someday I will send Mr. Clinton a “Thank You” card. Because of his “weenie-wag” I got to explain to my pre-teen children what oral sex was because that’s all they heard about on the news. Bush would have probably won re- election if Perot hadn’t diverted a lot of the conservative votes. I still thought Bush was wimpy...especially after he failed to roll the troops into Baghad... But here again, he was the lesser of the evils.}
William J. Clinton (Albert A. Gore, Jr.) D
Robert J. Dole (Jack F. Kemp) R ***
H. Ross Perot (Pat Choate) RP
{Voted for Dole... still thought Perot was an idiot and disliked “The Clintons” even more than in 1992. My hair still stands on end when I remember “Hillary” stating “I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.” WE???? I don’t remember her taking the “Oath of Office.”}
George W. Bush (Richard B. Cheney) R ***
Albert A. Gore (Joseph I. Lieberman) D
Ralph Nader (Winona LaDuke) – GP
{I like Bush Jr. He’s a good old boy and I don’t care what anybody says about him. I distrust Gore and don’t think he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize for for making a movie and hyping up the Global Warming hysteria. (Oh, don’t get me wrong...I think the Earth is getting warmer, but the Earth does that time to time... Look at the Little Ice Age (1600 to 1850 AD)). I have only one thing to say about Nader....HAHAHAHEHEHEHOHOHO}
George W. Bush (Richard B. Cheney) R ***
John F. Kerry (John Edwards) D
{I still liked Bush Jr.... Besides, he said he’s going to end the War any day now!!! John Kerry is a disgusting, yellow-bellied, lying, moron, numskull. (Did I mince my words???) During his campaign he was asked why, if he was such an environmentally-conscience person, was there a gas-guzzling SUV parked in his driveway. His answer??? “Oh, it’s not mine, it’s my wife’s car.” I would rather he had just said, “I’m older now and my butt hurts so I need a big, cushy, leather-covered seat and you can only get that in BIG cars.” The other thing I found repulsive about him was his Purple Heart awards in Viet Nam. I’m sorry, if you’re eating a 3-minute egg and as you tap the top with a knife and part of it gets in your eye... You DO NOT qualify for a Purple Heart for “Shell fragment in eye.” Don’t pee on my leg and then tell me it’s raining. Eliminating Kerry only left one choice... unless I wanted to squander my vote on a candidate that would NEVER win.}
John S. McCain III (Sarah Louise Heath Palin) R
Baraak H. Obama II (Joseph R. "Joe" Biden, Jr.) D
{McCain has earned his lumps...the hard way...when he was staying at the Hilton in downtown Hanoi. Regarding Palin....I don’t understand how someone can go from being mayor of Mooseburg, Alaska, (actually Wasilla, AK pop. 6,300), then governor of Alaska for two years and then the VP nominee in just 6 years. Only in America!!!. Wikipedia states, “Shortly after taking office in October 1996, Palin consolidated the position of museum director and asked for updated resumes and resignation letters from some top officials, including the police chief, public works director, finance director, and librarian.” WOW, those are some hefty public servant positions. I suspect that experience will really help when going toe-to-toe with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad!!!! I respect Joe Biden.... In a small way, he and I have walked on the same path of life. Obama... Sometimes he makes me nervous. Sometimes he says a lot without saying a thing. All I can say is maybe it’s time for a shake-up.}
Richard M. Nixon (Spiro T. Agnew) R ***
Hubert H. Humphrey (Edmund S. Muskie) D
George C. Wallace (Curtis F. LeMay) AI
{I couldn’t vote because I was too young but I actively campaigned for Nixon. He promised us that he was going to “End the War in Viet Nam.” I hung signs, went to rallies, handed out bumper-stickers & buttons and headed up a Republican/Democrat Mock Election campaign at school. During the “campaign rally” I met this cute girl named Connie Charnock.....Her very first words to me were, “My family is very active in the Young Republicans” first thought was “WOW!!! A cute girl TALKED to me.” I was 15 and not quite a Lady’s Man yet. I imagine that Mr. Wallace is doing flip-flops in his grave about the prospect of Mr. Obama being in the White House. I don’t remember why I didn’t like Humphrey...Maybe because he was LBJ’s VP?... and DON’T get me started on Lyndon Baines Johnson!!!!}
Richard M. Nixon (Spiro T. Agnew) R ***
George McGovern (Sargent Shriver) D
John G. Schmitz (Thomas J. Anderson) A
{This was the 1st election I voted in. I registered as a Republican because I was SICK of my mother’s idolizing, FDR, IKE, Kennedy and LBJ. Besides, Nixon kept telling us that he was going to end the War and that we should not trust McGovern because he was a “Peace-nik”}
Jimmy Carter (Walter F. Mondale) D
Gerald R. Ford (Robert J. Dole) R ***
Eugene J. McCarthy (None) I
{I voted for Ford but I can’t remember why. I didn’t think Carter was qualified and was under-experienced to be president after only being governor of Georgia.}
Ronald Reagan (George Bush) R ***
Jimmy Carter (Walter F. Mondale) D
{I didn’t particularly like Reagan (he had been governor of California when I was a kid) but I was sick and tired of Carter. While he was a good and decent man, Carter screwed up everything his presidency touched. So voting for Reagan was the lesser of two evils.)
Ronald Reagan (George Bush) R ***
Walter F. Mondale (Geraldine A. Ferraro) D
{Second time through I gladly voted for Reagan. I was working for Peacekeeper Missile at the time and Mondale said he was going to shut down most major military programs.}
George H. Bush (J. Danforth Quayle) R ***
Michael S. Dukakis (Lloyd Bentsen) D
{Bush was a little too wimpy for me. But I, like a lot of other people, felt that Bush was the closest thing to Reagan we were going to get. Besides...Dukakis looked like a dork riding around in a tank with a helmet on. I REALLY admired Barbara Bush... I think she’s got spice.}
William J. Clinton (Albert A. Gore, J.) D
George H. Bush (J. Danforth Quayle) R ***
H. Ross Perot (James B. Stockdale) I
{I have disliked Clinton from the very beginning. Couple of reasons... Anyone nicknamed “Slick Willie” has got to have a good reason why he got the name in the first place. He proved me right ...over and over and over. I disliked Hillary “RODEM” Clinton as much as I disliked her husband. In March of 1992 she said, “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.” My question was.... If you have kids, shouldn’t you stay home with your kids and bake them cookies?” To me she cheapened stay-at-home-moms. Someday I will send Mr. Clinton a “Thank You” card. Because of his “weenie-wag” I got to explain to my pre-teen children what oral sex was because that’s all they heard about on the news. Bush would have probably won re- election if Perot hadn’t diverted a lot of the conservative votes. I still thought Bush was wimpy...especially after he failed to roll the troops into Baghad... But here again, he was the lesser of the evils.}
William J. Clinton (Albert A. Gore, Jr.) D
Robert J. Dole (Jack F. Kemp) R ***
H. Ross Perot (Pat Choate) RP
{Voted for Dole... still thought Perot was an idiot and disliked “The Clintons” even more than in 1992. My hair still stands on end when I remember “Hillary” stating “I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.” WE???? I don’t remember her taking the “Oath of Office.”}
George W. Bush (Richard B. Cheney) R ***
Albert A. Gore (Joseph I. Lieberman) D
Ralph Nader (Winona LaDuke) – GP
{I like Bush Jr. He’s a good old boy and I don’t care what anybody says about him. I distrust Gore and don’t think he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize for for making a movie and hyping up the Global Warming hysteria. (Oh, don’t get me wrong...I think the Earth is getting warmer, but the Earth does that time to time... Look at the Little Ice Age (1600 to 1850 AD)). I have only one thing to say about Nader....HAHAHAHEHEHEHOHOHO}
George W. Bush (Richard B. Cheney) R ***
John F. Kerry (John Edwards) D
{I still liked Bush Jr.... Besides, he said he’s going to end the War any day now!!! John Kerry is a disgusting, yellow-bellied, lying, moron, numskull. (Did I mince my words???) During his campaign he was asked why, if he was such an environmentally-conscience person, was there a gas-guzzling SUV parked in his driveway. His answer??? “Oh, it’s not mine, it’s my wife’s car.” I would rather he had just said, “I’m older now and my butt hurts so I need a big, cushy, leather-covered seat and you can only get that in BIG cars.” The other thing I found repulsive about him was his Purple Heart awards in Viet Nam. I’m sorry, if you’re eating a 3-minute egg and as you tap the top with a knife and part of it gets in your eye... You DO NOT qualify for a Purple Heart for “Shell fragment in eye.” Don’t pee on my leg and then tell me it’s raining. Eliminating Kerry only left one choice... unless I wanted to squander my vote on a candidate that would NEVER win.}
John S. McCain III (Sarah Louise Heath Palin) R
Baraak H. Obama II (Joseph R. "Joe" Biden, Jr.) D
{McCain has earned his lumps...the hard way...when he was staying at the Hilton in downtown Hanoi. Regarding Palin....I don’t understand how someone can go from being mayor of Mooseburg, Alaska, (actually Wasilla, AK pop. 6,300), then governor of Alaska for two years and then the VP nominee in just 6 years. Only in America!!!. Wikipedia states, “Shortly after taking office in October 1996, Palin consolidated the position of museum director and asked for updated resumes and resignation letters from some top officials, including the police chief, public works director, finance director, and librarian.” WOW, those are some hefty public servant positions. I suspect that experience will really help when going toe-to-toe with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad!!!! I respect Joe Biden.... In a small way, he and I have walked on the same path of life. Obama... Sometimes he makes me nervous. Sometimes he says a lot without saying a thing. All I can say is maybe it’s time for a shake-up.}
Monday, October 20, 2008
Kari's Quest For Political Knowledge
My darling wife Kari was born and raised in the Democratic-Monarchy for Norway. Over there they have something like 35 different political parties that sit in the single-house parliment called "Storting" (It literally means "the big gathering").
A few weeks ago I asked Kari if she were to register to vote, would she be a Democrat or a Republician. I started into one of my "ask me what time it is and I'll tell you how to build a watch" descriptions. After about 10 seconds I watched as her eyes glazed over.
Ever since then I have tried to find a way to explain the difference between the two major parties in our government.
A friend sent me this story and I believe it will explain everything Kari needs to know:
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and among other liberal ideals, was very much in favor of higher taxes to support more government programs, in other words redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.
One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing in school.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many college friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your friend Audrey doing?"
She replied, "Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties, and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over."
Her wise father asked his daughter, "Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, "That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!"
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, "Welcome to the Republican party."
A few weeks ago I asked Kari if she were to register to vote, would she be a Democrat or a Republician. I started into one of my "ask me what time it is and I'll tell you how to build a watch" descriptions. After about 10 seconds I watched as her eyes glazed over.
Ever since then I have tried to find a way to explain the difference between the two major parties in our government.
A friend sent me this story and I believe it will explain everything Kari needs to know:
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and among other liberal ideals, was very much in favor of higher taxes to support more government programs, in other words redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.
One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing in school.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many college friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your friend Audrey doing?"
She replied, "Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties, and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over."
Her wise father asked his daughter, "Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, "That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!"
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, "Welcome to the Republican party."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Little Piece of Heaven In My Backyard
Today we had a visit with Nikki, Ethan (her boyfriend), baby Sophia, Heather and little McKenzie.
When the Lord answers your prayers, be sure and tell Him thank you.... "Thank You, Lord."
When the Lord answers your prayers, be sure and tell Him thank you.... "Thank You, Lord."
Thursday, October 16, 2008
God DOES Answer Prayers
After not laying eyes on one of my wayward daughters (Nikki) for almost two years, I bumped into her today quite by accident. When I first saw her and realized who she was, my first inclination was to tell her what a dirt bag she is and remind her of all the pain and internal grief Kari and I have suffered because of her since 2004.
In one of those surrealistic moments where a second seems like an hour, I realized, "What difference does it make? If I scream and yell I will only continue the bitterness that I have felt in my heart for so very long." I long ago realized all the things I did wrong with her and maybe...just maybe, she too has had the same enlightening thoughts.
I know it sounds contrite but I asked myself, "What would JC have done in this situation?" Then I had a clear vision in my head of Jesus clearing the money changers from the Temple. HE WAS PISSED that they had defiled the Holy Temple. But rather than exploding and losing control, He bent down and weaved a whip...thereby holding in check his anger and keeping his self control....THEN he kicked butt and didn't take names.
If I had lost control with Nikki I would have invalidated all the things I have tried so very hard to learn and that Kari has so lovingly taught me during the past few years.
I looked Nikki straight in the eyes and said, as lovingly and as fatherly-like as I could, "Hi Nikki...I'm so very glad to see you." She said, "Hi...yeah, it's been a long time. See, I have a baby now (holding up the baby carrier). Why didn't you call me?" I said, "Well, Nikki, it's kind of hard for me to call you when I don't know your number and don't have a clue where you are at." She said, "Oh, yeah, huh.... Well here's my number...."
We talked for about 10 minutes and then when I felt it was time to go I said, "Can I give you a hug?" She said, "Sure." and we did and then I said, "I'll call you tonight or tomorrow."
I turned to walk away and then had a thought. I turned back around and almost blurted out how much I missed her and how desperately I wanted to have a family relationship with her and her baby and I wanted to cry and beg for her forgiveness for my part in the hurtfulness that had happened between us. Instead I said, "By the way... Sophia is cute...but there is one thing I don't care for about her...She's got more hair than I do and she's only six weeks old." HA HA HA. We both laughed and I turned and walked away knowing that with time the giving and the receiving of forgiveness will take care of itself.
Let me introduce you to my newest grandbaby....Sophia Nikkole Boisvert... and her mommy Nikki.
In one of those surrealistic moments where a second seems like an hour, I realized, "What difference does it make? If I scream and yell I will only continue the bitterness that I have felt in my heart for so very long." I long ago realized all the things I did wrong with her and maybe...just maybe, she too has had the same enlightening thoughts.
I know it sounds contrite but I asked myself, "What would JC have done in this situation?" Then I had a clear vision in my head of Jesus clearing the money changers from the Temple. HE WAS PISSED that they had defiled the Holy Temple. But rather than exploding and losing control, He bent down and weaved a whip...thereby holding in check his anger and keeping his self control....THEN he kicked butt and didn't take names.
If I had lost control with Nikki I would have invalidated all the things I have tried so very hard to learn and that Kari has so lovingly taught me during the past few years.
I looked Nikki straight in the eyes and said, as lovingly and as fatherly-like as I could, "Hi Nikki...I'm so very glad to see you." She said, "Hi...yeah, it's been a long time. See, I have a baby now (holding up the baby carrier). Why didn't you call me?" I said, "Well, Nikki, it's kind of hard for me to call you when I don't know your number and don't have a clue where you are at." She said, "Oh, yeah, huh.... Well here's my number...."
We talked for about 10 minutes and then when I felt it was time to go I said, "Can I give you a hug?" She said, "Sure." and we did and then I said, "I'll call you tonight or tomorrow."
I turned to walk away and then had a thought. I turned back around and almost blurted out how much I missed her and how desperately I wanted to have a family relationship with her and her baby and I wanted to cry and beg for her forgiveness for my part in the hurtfulness that had happened between us. Instead I said, "By the way... Sophia is cute...but there is one thing I don't care for about her...She's got more hair than I do and she's only six weeks old." HA HA HA. We both laughed and I turned and walked away knowing that with time the giving and the receiving of forgiveness will take care of itself.
Let me introduce you to my newest grandbaby....Sophia Nikkole Boisvert... and her mommy Nikki.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I Got Tagged
This is a cute little thing that my daughter-in-law Christy did on her Web-page:
i am – Bob... Look for the label on my back. If you do not specifically ask for the genuine Bob (from Millie and Frank), some retailers may take the liberty to substitute another bob in my place. If you want the best bob, demand genuine Bob, I was made in Japan from American parts. I am Southern California's most popular bob. Do not accept substitutes! I come with a, “One Year Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee,” but I can assure you that you will not find a better quality Bob than me.
i think - professional wrestling is fake.
i know – the lyrics to most cartoon theme songs from my youth.
i want – to retire in 10 years, 8 months, 19 days and spend summers in Norway and winters in California....I also want people to stop calling it "Bush’s War".... It’s the President’s orders that send in the troops but it is Congress’ failure to bring the troops home.
i have – an incredible wife and a children “score” of 80%.
i wish – my screw-ball sister and her half-brained, dim-witted husband would move to Punjab, Pakistan.
i hate – being asked self-obvious questions (i.e. I’ll be standing there shaving and someone asks, “What are you doing?”). - I hate singing in church...they never sing the songs I want to sing.
i miss – my babies (they all grew up).
i fear– almost nothing...except four-year olds with AK-47 assault rifles, snakes coming out of the sewer and biting my butt, fanatics (political, religious, UFO ...) and being forced to eat cauliflower, lima beans or liver.
i feel – that the best form of birth-control is for a young couple to spend three days and two nights with a child in its “Terrible Twos” with a runny nose and a BAD case of diarrhea.
i hear - my mother's voice inside my head...the older I get the more I find myself saying the exact same things she said to me.
i smell – with my nose.
i search – for constant and long-lasting inner peace.
i wonder- why we celebrate Columbus Day when Leif Ericson beat him to North America by 400 years?
i regret – more than can be listed here.
i love – the smell of my wife’s hair as she lays cuddled up in front of me as we spoon in the morning... playing “string” with my cat...a cold Mountain Dew and a cold Hershey’s chocolate bar. But most of all I love the Lord for letting me do things to disprove how dumb I really am.
i care – that people try to do the best that they are capable of ... NOT when someone gives up half-way through and says that is their best.
i always – worry about things I can’t change...My wife, on the other hand, worries about things she CAN change.
i am not – a dog-lover. (The only good dog is a HOT DOG) or a Dodger fan.
i believe – that God has ten fingers and ten toes.
i dance – like a hyperactive engineer doing the Stiff-Legged Sailor dance. (Alternate answer: like an old woman with arthritis who uses a walker to get around.)
i sing – like a frog with a sinus infection.
i don't always - say morning prayers.
i write – like I think. I take what the little voice in my head says and I put it on paper.
i win – at air-guitar and air-drum playing contests while driving in my truck listening to music.
i lose – my glasses, my keys, my badge for work... sometimes I find them and sometimes I don’t.
i never – intentionally cheat someone.
i listen – to the sounds of silence (evening crickets, a light breeze moving leaves, etc.).
i can usually be found – in front of a computer.
i'm scared – of being alone when I die – of dying a long drawn out death from cancer or other wasting disease - of suddenly developing Turrets and spitting verbal outbursts the instant I start speaking in front of church.
i read – girlie magazines and cheap dime-store detective crime novels.
i'm happy about – having a wife, children, cousins and two or three friends who love me in spite of who I am and how I act.
i am – Bob... Look for the label on my back. If you do not specifically ask for the genuine Bob (from Millie and Frank), some retailers may take the liberty to substitute another bob in my place. If you want the best bob, demand genuine Bob, I was made in Japan from American parts. I am Southern California's most popular bob. Do not accept substitutes! I come with a, “One Year Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee,” but I can assure you that you will not find a better quality Bob than me.
i think - professional wrestling is fake.
i know – the lyrics to most cartoon theme songs from my youth.
i want – to retire in 10 years, 8 months, 19 days and spend summers in Norway and winters in California....I also want people to stop calling it "Bush’s War".... It’s the President’s orders that send in the troops but it is Congress’ failure to bring the troops home.
i have – an incredible wife and a children “score” of 80%.
i wish – my screw-ball sister and her half-brained, dim-witted husband would move to Punjab, Pakistan.
i hate – being asked self-obvious questions (i.e. I’ll be standing there shaving and someone asks, “What are you doing?”). - I hate singing in church...they never sing the songs I want to sing.
i miss – my babies (they all grew up).
i fear– almost nothing...except four-year olds with AK-47 assault rifles, snakes coming out of the sewer and biting my butt, fanatics (political, religious, UFO ...) and being forced to eat cauliflower, lima beans or liver.
i feel – that the best form of birth-control is for a young couple to spend three days and two nights with a child in its “Terrible Twos” with a runny nose and a BAD case of diarrhea.
i hear - my mother's voice inside my head...the older I get the more I find myself saying the exact same things she said to me.
i smell – with my nose.
i search – for constant and long-lasting inner peace.
i wonder- why we celebrate Columbus Day when Leif Ericson beat him to North America by 400 years?
i regret – more than can be listed here.
i love – the smell of my wife’s hair as she lays cuddled up in front of me as we spoon in the morning... playing “string” with my cat...a cold Mountain Dew and a cold Hershey’s chocolate bar. But most of all I love the Lord for letting me do things to disprove how dumb I really am.
i care – that people try to do the best that they are capable of ... NOT when someone gives up half-way through and says that is their best.
i always – worry about things I can’t change...My wife, on the other hand, worries about things she CAN change.
i am not – a dog-lover. (The only good dog is a HOT DOG) or a Dodger fan.
i believe – that God has ten fingers and ten toes.
i dance – like a hyperactive engineer doing the Stiff-Legged Sailor dance. (Alternate answer: like an old woman with arthritis who uses a walker to get around.)
i sing – like a frog with a sinus infection.
i don't always - say morning prayers.
i write – like I think. I take what the little voice in my head says and I put it on paper.
i win – at air-guitar and air-drum playing contests while driving in my truck listening to music.
i lose – my glasses, my keys, my badge for work... sometimes I find them and sometimes I don’t.
i never – intentionally cheat someone.
i listen – to the sounds of silence (evening crickets, a light breeze moving leaves, etc.).
i can usually be found – in front of a computer.
i'm scared – of being alone when I die – of dying a long drawn out death from cancer or other wasting disease - of suddenly developing Turrets and spitting verbal outbursts the instant I start speaking in front of church.
i read – girlie magazines and cheap dime-store detective crime novels.
i'm happy about – having a wife, children, cousins and two or three friends who love me in spite of who I am and how I act.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Cameron Leaves For Ft. Hood, TX
My baby boy (AKA Cameron) left yesterday to his first Army duty station...36th Engineering Brigade Official Webpage at Ft. Hood, Texas
2nd Periodic “ID This Picture And Win A Burger”
OK...No tricks this time HE HE.
Name in piece of land and where on Earth it is at and I will buy you an In-N-Out FEAST at In-N-Out's 60th Year Anniversary on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008. All hamburgers will be sold for 25 cents, Cheeseburgers 30 cents, Fries 15 cents, and drinks will be 10 cents!!! You drive me to your favorite In-N-Out restaurant and I'll pay the first $10 of your feast...I'll even toss in $20.00 to help with the gas.
This 2nd Periodic “ID This Picture And Win A Burger” is specifically opened to anyone who's name is ...or has ever been ... Boisvert OR Brownlee...Or if you have ever talked to a Boisvert/Brownlee at least once in your life. There is no small print associated with this 2nd Periodic “ID This Picture And Win A Burger” Contest. (However, if you try to conherse Kari about the photo you will be invalidated and tossed out of the contest. (Kari can't keep a secret when one of her kids look at her with big brown eyes with a tear in the corner.
Here's the picture:

Good luck!!!
Name in piece of land and where on Earth it is at and I will buy you an In-N-Out FEAST at In-N-Out's 60th Year Anniversary on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008. All hamburgers will be sold for 25 cents, Cheeseburgers 30 cents, Fries 15 cents, and drinks will be 10 cents!!! You drive me to your favorite In-N-Out restaurant and I'll pay the first $10 of your feast...I'll even toss in $20.00 to help with the gas.
This 2nd Periodic “ID This Picture And Win A Burger” is specifically opened to anyone who's name is ...or has ever been ... Boisvert OR Brownlee...Or if you have ever talked to a Boisvert/Brownlee at least once in your life. There is no small print associated with this 2nd Periodic “ID This Picture And Win A Burger” Contest. (However, if you try to conherse Kari about the photo you will be invalidated and tossed out of the contest. (Kari can't keep a secret when one of her kids look at her with big brown eyes with a tear in the corner.
Here's the picture:
Good luck!!!
Monday, October 06, 2008
My Rack Grew By 50% Today
This is my new "rack." It used to consist of a "Navy Good Conduct Medal" (left) and a "National Defense Medal" (middle). As of today I discovered that I am elegable to wear the "Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon" (right)

It's kind of hard to believe that I did 8 years of active Navy service and I end up with three medals/ribbons. My son Cameron has served in the Army for 8 months... all of these in ***traning commands*** and he has ***4*** medals/ribbons.
Could someone please explain this to me?
Could it be that the Army/Air Force gives out its medals/ribbons as the prize in a McDonalds Happy Meal?
It's kind of hard to believe that I did 8 years of active Navy service and I end up with three medals/ribbons. My son Cameron has served in the Army for 8 months... all of these in ***traning commands*** and he has ***4*** medals/ribbons.
Could someone please explain this to me?
Could it be that the Army/Air Force gives out its medals/ribbons as the prize in a McDonalds Happy Meal?
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Lipstick On A Pig
Baraak Obama said something a few weeks ago about putting lipstick on a pig..."You can put lipstick on a pig, [but] it's still a pig."
It is reported that former President Bill Clinton sat up and took notice and said, "If she's got lipstick, you can bet I'll kiss her.
It is reported that former President Bill Clinton sat up and took notice and said, "If she's got lipstick, you can bet I'll kiss her.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Read The Small Print
Today, we ALMOST had a winner in the 1st Periodic “ID This Picture And Win A Burger” Contest. Unfortunately, by failing to read the "small print," the submitter and "almost winner" invalidated the contest, thereby leaving the In'N'Out Double-Double Animal Style burger unclaimable.
Sorry, folks, better luck next time. :-(
Sorry, folks, better luck next time. :-(
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