"Did Kari catch "Good Morning America" this morning? They were in Finland thought she might enjoy (I expect she's far ahead of me) I saw it on my way out of the house this AM."
I responded:
Norway, buddy, not Finland... Norway!!! Although they are both Nordic countries they are different as night and day. Fin's are a bunch of drunks and Norwegians are a very kind and gentle people... that at least wait wait until they get on the airplane, to go to Spain, to over-indulge. A Swede is a Norwegian with half a brain. People in Denmark sit in street cafes and drink Heineken all day. Iceland is a gray country... 99% of the buildings are made of concrete... after all, why paint when it snows 10 months out of the year!!!
I LOVE Norway. Been there eight times. Been to Finland (Helsinki) twice, Sweden three times and Copenhagen once and was not overly impressed. The very best thing I remember from Helsinki was listening to a musical group, in the main park, that came from Peru, and a troupe of trained cats... Sweden was OK and the best thing in Copenhagen was the Little Mermaid statue...it really IS "little".
BTW, don't let Kari hear you imply that she is Finnish.... She would thrash you about the head and shoulders.... Kind of like the time we were in Rjukan at the "heavy water" plant and the tour guide called me British... When I corrected him he said, "Whatever...both the same." I put him in his place with The Look.
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