Actually I took the worry out of being close after #3 was born... but I still ended up with ten children.
There is one reason and one reason alone why I have ten kids. I was ready to stop having kids with Frank and Tim, but Connie wouldn't have it that way. I have 10 kids because I never learned to say, "NO!!!," to my two wives (former-girlfriends).
After Frank and Tim were babies, it took Connie seven years to talk me into a third child after the trauma of Tim's babyhood. Since Connie used the laws of statistics to determine that child #3 was going to be a girl, she was pretty upset when a boy came along (Cameron). But she still had this burning desire to dress up a small human in bows and frills. Since Frank was 10-years old and Tim was 8, neither was willing to volunteer for the dress-wearing duty. So when son #3 was seven two little girls dropped into our lives. I should have stomped my feet and yelled "NO!!!"
When Cameron was 13-years old and the girls were eleven, I found myself widowed and desperately twiterpated by a lovely woman. I fell held-over-heels in love with a her and THEN found out that she too had five kids. I again should have protested and screamed, "NO!!!!!" and bolted for the door. Instead I stood there with this goofy look on my face and accepted my fate to be the father to a tribe of ten.
[caption id="attachment_486" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="What a herd of 10 children looks like."]
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