Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Death To C-Diff Bug

I went to the butt doctor yesterday and he told me that from all indications we got the C-Diff Colitis bug that has made me so sick for so long. It's been a tough 17 months but I have learned a lot about myself along the way.

A friend told me a couple of weeks ago, "You're tougher than you think. You're a survivor. Why? Because you're still here."

My faith in the medical profession has been rattled...lots of unnecessary and unwarranted tests and procedures, indifferent doctors and many who thought I was over stating my level of pain. The bright side is that I was treated by one of the finest doctors I have ever seen... Dr. Eiman Firoozman (https://www.lacolon.com/). Believe it or not but he would actually return phone calls himself rather than have an assistant call. I highly recommend him to anyone with rear-end problems.

Also, my respect and love for Pam Childers (AKA Painless Pam) has sky-rocketed way off the "Respect-O-Meter."

And last but certainly not least, my darling wife Kari...My love for her grows stronger every day. She stood by me every step of the way..."Did you take your meds?" "Of course I'll drive you three hours to the doctor's in Beverly Hills." "What's your pain level?" Kari is my companion for Eternity and I thank the Lord for sending her to me. I scorn and say "BAH" to those who ever doubted that we would make a good union. I love you Kari.


  1. It cracks me up how open you are about your butt experiences. I don't think it's in your nature to keep things to yourself. It's not in mine either!!!

  2. Butts are like opinions....everybody's got one. ;-)
